Let's Talk Money: Now It Work for You- Monika Halan | How to Become An Enlightened Millionaire 2020

 Let's Talk Money:  Now It Works for You- Monika Halan |  How to Become An Enlightened Millionaire 2020

Topic: Let's Talk Money:  Now It Work for You- Monika Halan |  How to Become An Enlightened Millionaire 2020.
Let's Talk Money:  Now It Work for You- Monika Halan |  How to Become An Enlightened Millionaire 2020

We work hard to earn our money. But no matter how much we earn, the worry of money never goes away. Bills, rent, EMI, medical costs, holidays, children's education, and, somewhere in the back of the head, thought about getting ready for one's own retirement. 

Wouldn't it be amazing if our money works for us, because we work hard for it? What if we have a proven system to identify dud investment schemes? What if we could plug in a simple, jargon-free plan to get more value from our money and have a super life today? 

India's most trusted name in personal finance, Monica Halan provides you with a foot-on-the-ground system to create financial security. Not a Get-Rich-Quick Guide, this book helps build a smart system to live your dreams, rather than worrying about 'right' investment or 'right' insurance.

 Unlike many personal finance books, Let's Talk Money is written specifically for you keeping in mind the Indian context.

We learn this in kindergarten: you should always share. But somehow, on the way to adulthood, we lose our desire to share, especially when it comes to money.

When there is an abundance of something, sharing is not a problem and a rich person is one who has more than enough. We want to start by getting you more than enough funds by providing you with tools and away (our system) that can help you achieve your financial goals. Our desire is to provide you with concrete building blocks for the abundant life that you had. When it happens to you, we believe that you would naturally like to share it with others.

Let's Talk Money: You've Worked Hard for It, Now Make It Work for You

When you share your wealth, you are acting like honey, whose primary purpose is to get nectar to make honey. While in the process of going after nectar, the honeybee is actually involved in a much larger purpose, cross-pollinating the rooted vegetation. This cross-pollination, or sharing, is more important than making honey because it is the result of a beautiful, bountiful garden.

By sharing your wealth, both in knowledge and in cash, you

Become an enlightened millionaire. Like Honeybee, you can actually influence positive change in the world for the benefit of all mankind.

So how do you start building wealth? Our best-selling book, "Let's Talk Money:  Now It Works for You- Monika Halan: The Enlightened Way to Wealth" will start you with more than enough money on your way so that you can give back and help others succeed with you as well. It will teach you:

* Give money even if you have little or nothing to start with.

* Use the power of leverage to create wealth faster.

* Overcome fear so that you can take appropriate risks.

* Use "one-minute" habits to build wealth over the long term.

 One Minute Millionaire is also a revolutionary approach to building wealth and a powerful program for self-discovery.

Let's Talk Money:  Now It Work for You- Monika Halan |  How to Become An Enlightened Millionaire 2020

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