Enlightened Millionaire Let's Talk Money Review 2024
Topic: Millionaire Let's
Talk Money Review 2024.
Why is it something that is not talked about, and why are
we not coming together and figuring out ways to introduce our finances into our
People especially millennials are coming into the world
unsure of how to manage their money well, so they are usually likely to spend it
or even deposit it into a savings account.
The person who hears this will probably reply with, “Haha stop it. Money is taboo! When they talk
about money you’ll
never know what they are doing.”
This is not true.
Here I will elaborate on why money is a taboo subject, and
also how we can talk to our younger selves about what we need to know about
Money is a taboo subject
Every year, we are bombarded with news about the rising
demand for personal finance solutions.
Governments are now trying to introduce a tax system that will use
personal data to generate a picture of your finances. Top lenders are actively courting
younger workers who are coming up now, seeking opportunities for younger workers
and also to be exposed to financial products (such as an app that tracks your money, which is highly
valued right now).
It just shows that we are in the middle of an explosion of
applications that are hoping to help us manage money well. But we also know money is still a
taboo subject, and there is still a lot of fallout and fear around money (hell, you are going to get
sued by someone over that cool magic money numbing party).
It is also easy to speak against how we talk about money. Take the example of Bubble
Investing or the concept of investing in virtual reality.
Both things have been associated with a lot of negative
talks. People consider
investing in these types of topics as a sign of career suicide. But can you imagine how much money
both of these entrepreneurs have raised from investors?
Tell us more about your adventures with finances, as an
entrepreneur who has chosen money over being a famous entrepreneur.
Success and society
I am always fascinated with how technology and
professional information networks can be applied to solving real-world problems. Ask a startup founder how their
product is good for human beings, or ask your doctor how they are going to help
us manage our healthcare.
Know More Read also:
How to Become An Enlightened Millionaire 2024 Let's Talk
So even as I look at entrepreneurs and their successes, I
wonder what were some of the fundamental changes that caused the same
businesses to expand so much. People
are still trying to address these problems. So it is interesting to think about our behavior and
who have we leaned on to solve problems.
(Bubble Investing is a great example of a problem that had a lot of
public debate and discussion about generational wealth, and if people will keep
their wealth in their family or is it going to be taken over by tech giants)
Are we ignoring (and
we still dismiss) the
tremendous success of technology companies? Can a massive innovation from an
agile industry be successful with all the complexity in it? People like
engaging with such things.
Look around and you will observe that the most successful
companies are traditional companies.
They either build something that works well or they don’t have an answer to an existing
If you’re
trying to keep doing the same thing, look at the popular companies of the last
few years.
Everyone is still talking about a new purchase for higher
technology, more sophisticated algorithms, and devices. In the same way, we continue to
talk about smartphones.
Our conversation around our finances needs to be more
transformative. Making
the transition to leaner, more agile business models is not a new concept. But is still not talked
about much.
And I want to build something that is innovative on my part,
and that is good for customers.
And the only way we can do that is by pioneering new ways of
communicating about money. That
is how I see this play out.
So when you see how people choose money every day — is your own reluctance for
a change why people are struggling to talk about money in normal conversations
and business conversations? Do not view this as a problem. It’s just part of what it takes to create a better
Stay tuned
all about talking, communicating, and creating systems, and leveraging tech to
connect people around financial systems, financial literacy, and new business
I invite you to stay tuned with me because we are
uncovering new solutions which use the disruptive technologies that can be
applied in improving our lives.
Watch the episode and let me know your takeaways!
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An Optimizing Investment Approach to Eliminate Mortgage Fees